At the beginning of any woman’s Vocational journey is the simple awareness that a life entirely consecrated to God in joyful totality is possible.
Over the past several decades, the visibility of women religious has dramatically declined in America. That means that for a woman to be aware of the possibility of a higher calling, the whole Church has to recommit to fostering a loving awareness of this Vocation.
where do I start?
Building a culture of vocations looks different in every community.
The steps here are a place to start as you assess how you can make an impact where you are.
Watch “The Paradigm” video, listed below.
Who do you know that has a fire burning in them for renewal in the Church? Who have you heard wondering about what happened to all of the sisters? Who is looking for a way to serve?
Invite those people to review resources together and form a shared paradigm.
Ask your newly formed team to consider where the fertile ground is in your community. Wherever you sit in the Church, look at your sphere of influence and invite the Holy Spirit to reveal the fertile ground.
Where are the vision-casting parents, the students longing for more, the parishes that are thriving? These are the places to begin fostering awareness of the beauty of religious life.
Email that pastor, get coffee with that student, have dinner with those parents, call that buddy from seminary. Now is the time to share what you’ve discovered about the state of religious life in the Church. Invite them to pray with you about what the Holy Spirit is doing in your community. Listen together.
Invite those people to review resources together and form a shared paradigm.
With the local key players and central team in place, use available resources to plan an event that increases vocation awareness.
Pay attention to what works, what falls flat, and where the community is hungry for more. Lean in and keep expanding; ask for help where you need it.