Beyond the foundational awareness of religious life, the Church has to create opportunities for women to have a meaningful encounter with religious women.
A woman can’t discern what she has never experienced. In previous generations, with thousands of religious women present, experiences with sisters were a normal part of life in the Church.
Today, most young women have never had a chance to spend time around religious women. Creating spaces for that meaningful encounter is critical to fostering a joyful culture of vocations.
what can I do?
Create a space.
Encounter is more art than science. Your job is simply to create a space where a woman can encounter the beauty of religious life. Don’t overthink it; the Lord is the one drawing her heart.
Whenever possible, in-person encounters with religious are the goal. If that isn’t possible, you’ll find digital resources here, too.
Ideas and resources are sorted by age-group below to help get you started. Be creative with what works in your community.
Ideas for Facilitating an Encounter
Grade School and Younger
If a young woman has been given the gift of a vocation to religious life, that gift is present in her heart from the moment of Baptism. We can help her recognize that gift by making religious sisters a normal part of her world from an early age.
-Invite sisters to visit classroom at your scool
-Take your daughters to Mass at a nearby convent.
-Invite local sisters for dinner.
“The Unsolvable Problem” by Mother Mary Clare, CFR
As girls grow in maturity and in relationship with Jesus Christ, the witness of religious sisters helps them to understand who they are as women.
Whether their vocation is to consecrated life or marriage, time with religious women helps teens become who God made them to be.
-Invite sisters to local youth conferences and retreats.
-Plan a service project at a local convent.
-Visit local convents to meet the sisters.
Book Recommendations:
True North: A Roadmap for Discernment by Joel Stepanek
Digital Resources
Blessed is She Come & See series, Behind the Veil, and other videos are available on our resource page.
College and Young Adult
As women ask the big questions about their life and where they are called to give themselves in a stable life of love, religious sisters are a profound gift.
Encountering their example of spiritual maternity helps young women to discover their own.
-Host a Bethany Brunch (brunch, Mass, and talk with a religious sister).
-Invite sisters to your college campus.
-Organize or attend a retreat for young adult women (or invite Fiat Ministries to do it for you).
-Organize a trip to visit a convent.
-Eat ice cream with nuns. Everyone wins.
- Discernment of Spirits by Father Timothy Gallagher, OMV
-Examen Prayer by Father Timothy Gallagher, OMV
-And You Are Christ’s by Father Thomas Dubay, SM
-Discerning Religious Life by Mother Clare Matthiass, CFR
-Vita Consecrata, The Consecrated Life and its Mission in the Church
-Is This a Call
Blessed is She Come & See series, Behind the Veil, and other videos are available on our resource page.
Institute on Religious Life Vocation search tool and discernment info