After receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit opened my heart and my mind to a much greater awareness of and attraction to Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament. I began visiting Him in church, after school, and attending Holy Mass daily whenever possible. With these visits, He was drawing me closer and closer to Himself. I felt sure that He was calling me to the contemplative life, but I still hesitated until one day, in church, I realized that if I were to get married, it would be very unfair to my husband because I would be spending all my time with Jesus at church! It was really Jesus with Whom I was in love. 

Not long after that, I entered a Poor Clare monastery, knowing that I would have my heart's desire fulfilled, that is, living under the same roof with the Blessed Sacrament, spending time throughout the day in Jesus' Eucharistic Presence. My relationship with Jesus grew. After a year, I became His fiancée as a novice, and nearly two years after that, I became His spouse, professing temporary vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, and enclosure. The definitive wedding day, several years later, the day when I became His bride forever in Solemn Vows, was the happiest day of my life. 


“I am a Married Woman”


She Gave God Her Heart