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“The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice.”

-John 3:29

Upholding the Bride.

In Jesus’ time, the Wedding Feast was preceded by a Betrothal Ceremony, after which came a period of preparation. While the Bridegroom went to prepare the Wedding Chamber in the house of his Father, he would ask a trusted Friend, the shoshben, to help prepare the details of the Wedding Ceremony.

During the time of preparation, the Friend of the Bridegroom would vigilantly protect the Bride from false suitors and the distractions of the world. In his solicitude, he would also help stir her love for the Bridegroom and keep her attention fixed on the Wedding Feast to come. Today, Jesus asks this of the priesthood. As priests who are Friends of the Bridegroom, we strive to live in intimate friendship with the Divine Bridegroom and to help Him awaken the Heart of the Bride to her beauty and final calling. 

Accompanying Women

in Discernment

Diocesan priests play a critical role connecting young women in discernment with religious communities.

We have compiled resources to support you as you support them. This includes original video teachings from women religious specifically for you.

Praying for


“Ask the Master” (Mt 9:38)

As priests, we implore the Lord to bring for new vocations to consecrated life and to bring renewal to communities of women religious. Our Masses, daily prayers, and frequent penances unite as a fragrant offering, in union with His Heart, rising before the face of the Father. Specifically, we invite all priests to join us in the Daily Prayer for Renewal and to offer Compline daily, “For the Bride and for the brides.”  


Priestly Formation

To better serve the Church’s renewal, we gather and help form renewal-oriented priests in exercising a deepened solicitude for the restoration of the Bride.

If you are interested in ongoing priestly formation with like-minded priests, please let us know. 

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