As a child, whenever I would complain to my mother about a headache or stomach ache which I was suffering, she would respond, "Offer it up." Mom's suggestion to "offer it up" was not a sarcastic response. She really meant it. I remember quite vividly the moment when my little mind grasped the import of this statement. "I can really offer up my suffering to God who will use this offering to help poor sinners who have need of grace." Winning grace for others became an almost habitual response whenever I had an ache or pain, or when I wanted to sacrifice something (like not eating the candy bar that I really wanted to eat). Long before I knew the terms "Mystical Body of Christ" and "Spiritual Motherhood," I was practicing and living in this reality. The understanding I had of helping souls in this way formed one of the bases for my contemplative vocation. 

Being a bride of Christ and practicing spiritual motherhood go hand-in-hand. Being Jesus' spouse means taking on His concerns and desires (like a woman in the world does with her husband's concerns). And what or who are Jesus' concerns? Every soul He has made. What are His desires? That all should know and love Him and be united with Him here on earth and in Heaven.

Photo courtesy of Lisa Julia Photography

Bridal Union


“I am a Married Woman”