Culture of
A Church without religious women is like a home without a Mother.
The renewal of religious life is integral to the renewal of the whole Church.
Every vocation needs the others to be well.
Building a Culture of Vocations: A work of the whole Church.
Whatever your role in the Church, from running a family to running a national apostolate, you can support vocations and help the hearts of women flourish.
Supporting women’s vocational discernment happens in three stages: awareness, encounter, and accompaniment.
We have compiled resources and tools for every step of the way to make it simple to join the movement in the Church for the renewal of the Bride.
Before a vocation can be realized, it has to be revealed as an option. The first stage of vocational support is expanding your community’s awareness of the beauty of religious life.
Once the community is more aware of the beauty of religious life, they need a meaningful encounter with religious women. Facilitating that encounter is more art than science.
Once a woman has started to hear the Lord inviting her to consider religious life, she needs the loving support of people in her life. She needs accompaniment.