Priests Fr. John LoCoco Priests Fr. John LoCoco

A Gentle, Guiding hand

The Gospel of Mark portrays quite brilliantly the dynamic activity of Jesus Christ. No fewer than forty times does the Evangelist use the word “immediately” or “straightaway” (Gk: euthus) to transition breathlessly from scene to scene. Not even sparing time for the infancy narrative, instead, the Gospel of Mark begins with the Baptism and hurtles headfirst into His public ministry. The immediacy of God is a stark reminder that we need to heed the words from the Book of Proverbs, “Keep you heart with all vigilance, for from it flows the springs of life”(4:23).

I was reminded of this last year when I had the opportunity to share in ministry on a college retreat with some Religious Sisters. One of the Sisters and I took a break from the retreat and spent some time sharing news from our own lives. I shared some personal struggles, especially some navigating a tough conversation with one of the students. As soon as we left the meeting, we walked right into the person in question in the hallway and the Sister, not knowing who the person was, began to speak with them. Immediately, the conversation providentially took a turn toward the wound in question, which the Sister began to address with a gentle, guiding hand.

I was astonished! No sooner had I shared this concern than the Sister immediately began to help to heal it. It was a beautiful moment from the Lord and one for which I am truly grateful. Not only was the immediacy of the Lord made clear, but also, the beautiful complement of sharing in the work of the Gospel with this Religious Sister remains the true grace of the encounter.

Photo courtesy of Lisa Julia Photography
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